Sunday, December 14, 2008

Patience my child.....

Just a few pics of one of Kylie's many tantrums. Gradually we are adding more and more of them to our schedule each day. Sometimes they make me laugh, sometimes they make me pull my hair out and sometimes they make me cry too. It can be as little as the cat jumping out of the window seal that sets her off. WOW is it stressful!

So I question.....Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? What is going on all of a sudden?
It usually starts with the words "No" and "Don't" of course. " No you can't eat mud cakes." or " Don't stick your finger in the light socket."
Really, these words are in her best interest in my opinion. I really think she has such a tender heart or she already knows how to get her way!
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Jessica said...

OH Poor Kylie!!!!
That age is soo hard, I am just sad to inform you that "it" has only begun!!!
Hang in there!

Julie said...

We get those too. I just let Kate have her fit and that seems to help. We also try to do love and logic, I love it! They have good ideas.

Melissa Hatch said...

Oh how I can't wait to be a mother...:] Kylie is so stinkin' cute! You'll have to bring her in sometime so we can visit! :]