Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So Sad

The last couple days with Kylie have been super hard. I was up ever two hours last night because she was burning up and crying all night. Poor thing. Dumb me thought for sure it was a nasty cough or cold. Nothing I would do would make her happy.
Today as I was laying on the couch with her I noticed what looked like blisters in her mouth. About panicking I looked a bit closer and wala it is her molars. I about passed out! That never ever crossed my mind. She has already cut one on each side. For you, who don't have kids yet may think wooptie do, but this was a big day for us! Poor little girl is still having a hard time but at least I know more about the situation and can hopefully comfort her in some way.


Anne said...

Amy, Like you said yesterday...She over the little food..She wants steak and potatoes. She's a little country girl, just like her momma. She'll be eating a filet on her first birthday with you and her dad!!

Brandy said...

HHOOOLLLYYY Cow Amers, she isn't wasting any time getting those teeth in... Poor little thing I'm sure that she is miserable. Well if you need some down time this weekend give me a call, and we will get together for a play date.

Jessica said...

OH man, poor little girl! Teething absolutely STINKS, it hurts them soo bad and there is nothing that can comfort them. Especially those molars - they are so big. Kayden just got his 6 year molars and he even complained a little about them.
Just a little FYI though... watch out for an ear infection!
Hang in there mom!

Woolstenhulme-4-ever said...

Oh teething is so stinky... My kids always act like they are really sick and get a high fever. It is so sad to have a grouchy baby

Randilynn said...

sorry about the cranky baby, my little one started teething at like 3 months it was crazy. There are some awesome teething tablets that you can find at walmart, i think they're name is Hylands Homeopathic, or something like that. They work like a charm, just in case you were looking :) good luck